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Rules for participation in religious events

Rules for participation in religious events related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw 1920, organized on 2020.08.15



    Persons staying on the premises of the organized event are subject to order regulations regarding this area.

    Entering and staying on the premises of the event means absolute acceptance of the following rules.


    Participation of people in the event is allowed provided that the following criteria are met:

        covering the mouth and nose,

        keep a distance of min. 1.5 meters,

        no symptoms of the disease: increased temperature, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, etc.

    By registering for participation in the event, the participant declares that, to the best of his knowledge, he is not an infected person and is not in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision.

    During registration, the participant is asked to provide contact details (telephone number), which will allow easy contact with him after the end of the event
    in a situation where sanitary services establish that the infected person took part
    in the event and will conduct an epidemiological inquiry.

    By confirming participation in the event, the participant declares that he agrees to the possibility of verifying his personal data on the day of the event by showing an identity document.

    Waiting to enter the event should take place keeping a distance of min. 1.5 meters.

Due to the designation of the event area, participants will be admitted through the entrances indicated by the Organizer, next to which disinfectants and personal protective equipment will be placed.

    Hand disinfection by participants at the entrance to the event area is obligatory.

    The participants of the event should take places prepared and indicated by the Organizer.

    People who are participants of the event, who have not been indicated places, are required to keep a distance of min. 1.5 m from other, unrelated participants.

    Event participants are required to follow the organizer's instructions / announcements.

    The organizer may refuse entry to the event area in the absence of vacancies.

    The organizer may record the course of the event and the behavior of individual participants with the use of video and sound recording devices.

We ask the participants of the ceremony to follow the adopted rules of participation in religious events organized on August 15, 2020. ie:

7:30 - prayer at the cross commemorating the heroic death of Fr. Ignacy Skorupka in Ossów

A processional march to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Victory in Ossów

9.30 - Holy Mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Victory in Ossów and the Appeal of the Fallen at the Cemetery of the Fallen 1920

The rules received a positive opinion from the County State Sanitary Inspector in Wołomin.

12 sierpnia 2020
Celebrations 2020


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